> Nerdnite August 27: meme mad-libs and Munch

Nerdnite August 27: meme mad-libs and Munch

Friends of Nerdnite Boston,
Our next event — and the last of the summer — will take place Monday August 27, 8pm at the Middlesex Lounge. Whether you’re an old hand at Nerdnite or just arriving in town for the new semester, we’re sure you’ll enjoy the nerd-tastic lineup that’s on tap this month. As always, DJ Claude Money will be on hand spinning the nerd-appropriate tunes.

Here is this month’s lineup:

Talk 1: “Edvard Munch: His Life and Work In Context”
by David Curcio
While widely recognized for such iconic masterpieces as The Sick Child, Madonna, and especially The Scream, Edvard Munch (1863 – 1944) has been largely misinterpreted as a tormented genius doing battle with inner demons and isolating himself from the art world and the public. While this is in part true, Munch was also a shrewd businessman, responding to cultural turn-of-the-century trends including psychoanalysis, misogyny and the anxiety produced by the Industrial Age. Also little known is the fact that the majority of his most famous work was done before he was forty, and that until he died at 80 years old, he was more prolific than any artist in history, producing a body of work staggering in its breadth, style, and contribution to modern painting.

David Curcio has been more or less preoccupied with Edvard Munch since 3rd grade when he saw a reproduction of the black and while lithographic version of The Scream. It worked its way into his nightmares which lasted for years. Today he is an artist living and working in Boston, his obsession with the great Norwegian never having left him.

Talk 2: “Sh*t [nerds] say: Just what the hell is a snowclone anyway?”
by Tim Sullivan
In this talk, Tim will discuss what a snowclone is, why he thinks they’re interesting, and how they’re not-so-slowly infiltrating every facet of your life.

Tim Sullivan has a degree in public policy. He has never studied linguistics, but thinks this sort of thing is pretty cool. He enjoys bow ties and ginger beer.

Be there and be square!
Monday August 27, 8pm
Middlesex Lounge
315 Mass Ave
Cambridge, MA

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